Giuliana Ogliari
“A time magically suspended between art and life”
Events are the environment Giuliana Ogliari has dedicated 25 years of passion and enthousiasm.
PERFORMER / PR of the Milanese scene since 1989, she has taken part to the most important public and private entertainment, musical and cultural events, contributing to them with her unique personality.
She has accumulated a profound awareness of the events’ milieu, starting from her initial VISIONARY instinct, an impulse that she performed and improved since a young age, growing up in different schools, in the day and night life, and walking along with EXTRAORDINARY people, whom, indirectly, led her to transform this primordial instinct by attending the IED Fashion Academy in Milan.
These experiences made her a creative event artisan and the professional figure of the Ogliarieventsmanagement.
This project has begun after decades of collaboration with night clubs and cool, underground events that took place in Milan and in the rest of the country: the Kama Kama in Camaiore, the legendary Plastic in Milan, the Tenax in Florence and the Cocoricò in Riccione.
A fifteen years collaboration with the Marcelo Burlon Entreprise, the co-organization of the highly sophisticated Riccardo Tisci decennial party for Givenchy, and the many events co-produced with Press Office Manager Karla Otto, are few of the people she’s been working with, and where she could fully express her creative skills.
Ogliarieventsmanagement wants to be the group of people whom operate within the event’s creative world offering all types of human resources: barladies, barmans, artists, writers, interior designers, architects, musicians, singers, performers, art historians, philosophers.
From industrial style locations to manors, to clubs, from music consultancy, djs, vjs, live acts, styling, digital and graphic communication to all types of staging and styling and high end catering, every customer’s request-desire will be accurately attented with the only aim to transform the event in an unicum, in order to transform a sensational occasion in a memorable and ineradicable souvenir.
Ogliarieventsmanagement wishes to transport its guests in a dimension that is able to please all their aestethic senses.

Grazie per tutto quello che mi avete insegnato fratelloni!